
Simeon Philemon

I am Simeon Philemon Mwanyonga, working at NIMR-Mbeya Medical Research Center as Social Scientist cum community engagement officer with a background of being a motor vehicle mechanic and driver for 14 years. Education: Currently, I study Masters in Public Health through Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS). 2010 – 2013: Bachelor of Art in Sociology and Social Work at Teofilo Kisanji University 2010: Pre-university course at Teofilo Kisanji University 2010: Form VI sat at Iyunga High School Center 2006: Advanced drivers course – National Institute of Transport (NIT) 1998: Motor vehicle mechanics Grade II – VETA 1995 – 1997: Motor vehicle mechanics Grade III – Mbalizi vocational trainning center 1991 – 1994: Secondary education ordinary level at Mbalizi Secondary school Experience: 2013 to date: I have workedin projects as stipulated below: From 2017 to date: I am involved in TB Sequel projectdealing with the socioeconomic sub study on collection of socioeconomic information which are part of long term impacts from TB patients including taking GPS coordinates for identification of their residence. January – June, 2017:Involved in a team dealing with counseling and testing for HIV among Key Population in Mbeya region by using a Mobile Laboratory (MDTC). March, 2015 to November, 2016: Involved inHoma Project as research assistant,Quality Assurance and Quality Control personnel. July, 2013 to 2015: TB Reach phase 3 project:Quality Assurance and Quality Control personnel and supervisor. The objective of this intervention was to scale up TB case detection among prison inmates and new admission using Gene X-pert MTB/Rif® in 5 central prisons located in Tanzania. In the past I have been involved in other projects such as the EMINI(Evaluation and Monitoring the Impact of New Intervention) survey where I started working in the research field as field assistant, interviewer and driver.

Simeon Philemon

Social Scientist