
Elimina Siyame

Dr. Ndekya Oriyo is a Principal Research Scientist of the National Institute for Medical Research. She holds a Doctorate degree in Medical Microbiology from University College London. She obtained her Bachelors’ degree in Microbiology & Zoology and Master’s degree in Microbiology from the University of Dar es Salaam. She has additional training in public health leadership and laboratory surveillance. Her research activities focus on clinical and operational research in Tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, neglected tropical diseases and pathogens of epidemic potential. Before joining NIMR, Dr Oriyo started her career as a lecturer in Medical Microbiology & Immunology at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College and as a Technical and Quality Assurance Advisor in the Clinical Laboratory of the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre. At NIMR, Dr Oriyo has held the positions of Head of Clinical and Laboratory Research, head of the Tanzania National health ethics sub-committee Secretariat, Acting Director for Research Coordination and Promotion and from May 2018 Acting Director for Research Information, Technology and Communication. She sits on several institutional committees. Dr Oriyo is active in national technical working groups and committees to include disease surveillance, global health security, one health, biosafety& biosecurity and antimicrobial resistance. Dr Oriyo is a WHO technical expert for joint external evaluations (JEE) in the areas of antimicrobial resistance, biosafety &biosecurity and national health laboratory systems. Dr Oriyo is a member of the TFDA Medical Devices and Diagnostics Registration Technical Committee and the National Health Technologies Assessment Committee. She is the Chair of External Scientific Advisory Panel of The International Multidisciplinary Programme to Address Lung Health and TB in Africa “IMPALA” and a member of the External Scientific Advisory Panel for NIHR Global Health Research Group on non-communicable lung disease in Africa. Dr Oriyo is an Associate Editor for the East African Health Research Journal. Sub-editor of the LabsNET Bulletin and Editor of the Tanzania Public Health Bulletin.

Dr. Elimina Siyame

Principal Research Scientist