Dr. Basiliana Emidi


Dr. Basiliana Emidi, Ph.D. is a Principal Research Officer at the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) in Tanzania and a Centre Manager of NIMR Dodoma. She holds a Ph.D. in Medical Entomology, an MSc in Medical Entomology, and a BSc (Hons) in Zoology, Wildlife Science, and Conservation. She has over 20 years of research experience and specializes in mosquito vector behaviours and insecticides resistance. Her Post-doctoral research program also focused on Medical Entomology. Dr. Basiliana has previously holds other leadership positions such as Head of the Parasitic Diseases Research Program at NIMR Mwanza Centre and Head of the Department of Innovation Commercialization and Technology Transfer at NIMR Headquarters in Dar es Salaam. She is a member of the Africa Integrated Vector Management (IVM) Advisory Panel of Experts of the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), focusing on emerging technology in malaria vector control and elimination. Dr. Basiliana has been a Vector Control Specialist through the Global Fund, by providing technical support to Tanzania’s National Malaria Control Program under the Ministry of Health and Research institutions on the National Malaria Vector Entomological Surveillance. She had participated in dengue outbreak control and development of the Tanzania National Vector Control Strategy (2019-2024). She is a reviewer of several local and international journals and the National Health Research Ethics Committee (NathREC). She has been a member of the NaTHREC secretariat where she developed the NaTHREC Client Service Charter.

Dr. Basiliana is among first inaugural cohort of 10 women in Africa of the World Health Organization (WHO) Mwele Malecela Mentorship (MMM) Programme for Women in Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), aimed at grooming African women as leaders in NTDs elimination. She is also an Alumna of the “WomenLift Health 2023 East Africa Leadership Journey” cohort, designed to empower women leaders in global health. She is the Country Coordinator for women in vector control in the Pan-African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA) Tanzania, where she champions women’s involvement in the field. Dr. Basiliana is a mentor under the PAMCA Lifther2 mentorship program, supporting aspiring professionals in the field. Dr. Basiliana has been a Chief External Examiner for several PhD candidates’ defences and supervised several students at various universities in Tanzania. Her research interests encompass entomological surveillance, mosquito vector ecology, insecticide resistance and community engagement, resulting in over 17 scientific publications. Dr. Basiliana has received numerous accolades, including the “Mid-career Women in Vector Control Excellence Award” for outstanding contributions in the fight against vector-borne diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa, the “First Young Women Scientist Award” and the “Mount Kilimanjaro Scientific Award” and the “Ngorongoro Conservation Prize“. She remains actively engaged in national and regional professional associations, driven by her dedication to mosquito vector control and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) elimination.